Microcurrent Facials

  • Microcurrent is a great alternative for Botox & Disport injections. Some users of Microcurrent have even weaned themselves off of Botox…

    *Reduce Puffiness

    *Clear/Reduce Rosacea & Acne

    *Increase Collagen

    *Increased Cellular Energy

    * Deeper Product Penetration

    *Hydrate the skin

  • Microcurrent machines in facial aesthetic applications are used to ‘work out’ the muscles of the face, stimulate collagen, and tighten skin appearance,” . “Microcurrent uses low-voltage electricity to stimulate muscle, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) cell growth, and collagen development in the dermis on the face. ”Microcurrent facials tighten and smooth the muscles and connective tissues in the face by increasing cellular activity, and have shown to reduce wrinkles. “Microcurrent has been around for decades, especially in physical therapy, so it is very safe, effective, and targeted,”. Physical therapists have used microcurrent therapy treatments since the 1970s for pain relief and even facial paralysis conditions, like Bell’s Palsy.This is a revolutionary cosmetic service that is unique in the industry and has the potential to enhance your overall health and help you look younger! …

  • This age embracing treatment is a non-surgical method of preserving our skin using a low-level pulse that mirrors the body‘s natural electrical current. These microcurrents trigger chemical reactions at a cellular level to enhance the production of collagen and elastin, provide circulatory benefits, and re-train and tighten the muscles of the face.

  • Our entire body is made up of electrical charges that pulse through us. Microcurrent mimics our body’s own natural bioelectrical field and sends tiny electrical currents into our muscles. This current, in turn, recharges the electrical potential of the muscle. There are 43 muscles in the face, and microcurrent can be used to stimulate these muscles to increase lymph flow, circulation and cellular function, as well as promoting hydration and re-educating muscles among other benefits. Microcurrent doesn’t contract the muscle, but instead stimulates it and re-educates the muscle to ‘remind’ it where it used to be. Over time, these muscles begin to resume their plump appearance for an often dramatic, anti-aging effect.

  • Many procedures like laser resurfacing, Botox or surgical facelifts involve significant pain and often require medication (pain relievers, anti-inflammatory, or antibiotics) that can compromise your health.

    You only get one body, so it makes sense to take care of it. The confidence and feeling of well being that you get from having healthy, youthful skin is priceless. At Naturalis, we know that making an investment in caring for your skin and body today can help ensure results that will last a lifetime. .

    Some surgical procedures also result in an unnatural look, meanwhile microcurrent facial rejuvenation leaves your skin looking natural, with a healthy and youthful glow.

    Microcurrent as a treatment is less invasive, but many “microcurrent” procedures out there use chemical-based gels and take a more general approach that focusses only on a specific area. This creates less complete results that may not last as long (think: treating undereye bags, but leaving the discoloration and wrinkles on the rest of the face).

  • There is a gentle, zingy feeling — my not-so-technical term — and occasionally as the current is applied near the nerve attached to the muscle, it will jump,” “This isn’t painful, it just feels ‘alive’. Most clients love the feeling since it makes them confident that something is happening and a connection has been made.

    Similar as to your body workout regime ,it’s worth mentioning that you’ll get the best results from microcurrent facials when you do them consistently. The power in its effect is cumulative, meaning the benefits add up and stick around with frequent treatments.

    “Since this is a modality that requires consistency, clients do weekly treatments,” “What’s even better about microcurrent is that it is painless and gives our clients instant gratification.”

    And your treatment plan may also vary on how quickly you want lasting results.

    “After the initial four to six week, weekly-treatment phase, our clients move to a bi-weekly protocol,” . “This is the best treatment plan for long-lasting results. But if we are fast-tracking someone for a wedding or an event, then weekly truly is necessary.

Facial Treatments