BOOK NOW & Policies


Hooray! Time to book your appointment!

Simply click on the BOOK NOW button below to be lead through the steps to schedule your appointment.

And please feel free to contact us at {or just jump over to the ‘Contact us page’} if you have any further questions.

You could also text or call 613 552-7294

Oh, & before scheduling your first appointment, please read Naturalis Rejuvenation policies below.

See you soon!

Please find below Naturalis Rejuvenation policies regarding arriving late for appointments, last minute cancellations & not arriving for appointments; confirmations, contra-indications for treatments & new client arrivals.

I would like to say that I have been blessed with very respectful, considerate clients who always contact me if they running late & give as much notice as possible if they need to reschedule. Thank you so much! The below policy is in effect simply as a protection of my time should these situations become an issue in the future. As a working mother/ human being, I understand that sometimes events outside our control pop up &, no doubt, there will be times when I have to request rescheduling of appointments, too. I am very grateful that Naturalis Rejuvenation’s clients are compassionate & understanding in my direction when this is the case.

New Client Arrivals:

Prior to your appointment confirmation you will be asked directions & a link to your SkinCare Consultation Form. Please fill out this form before you arrive as it helps us to provide the safest & most effective treatment for your skin on that day.

Late Arrival Policy:

WeI can usually accommodate clients arriving five or even ten minutes late for an appointment. After fifteen minutes past your appointment time, however, it is up to the discernment of the your partitioner whether you will be able to be seen or if you will need to reschedule. Naturalis does try to allow a buffer of time on either side of appointments, to ensure a smoother running schedule. If you are unable to be seen, the appointment will count towards your allotted number of No Shows (See below). In order to avoid this, if you know in advance that you will be running late, please call or text (613 552- 6294), to let us know as soon as possible, so that we might be able to make accommodations. 

Cancellation/ No Show Policy:

I understand that there are times when you must miss an appointment due to emergencies or obligations for work or family. However, when you do not call to cancel an appointment, you may be preventing another client from enjoying a session. I ask that you inform me, at minimum, 8 hours prior to your appointment time, when possible, if you will be unable to make it. If you fail to do so, or do not call or show up for your scheduled appointment, it will be considered a “No Show”. I realize that things come up or an appointment may slip your mind one day, so you are allotted one grace “No Show”. After that you will be charged 25% of the scheduled appointment for any appointments you schedule but do not attend or call to cancel, before your next treatment can be scheduled. If you “No Show” three appointments (including your one grace) you will be asked to prepay your appointments at the time of scheduling.


Confirmation emails are sent out one to two days prior to your scheduled appointment. If you realize that you are unable to attend please cancel your appointment so that I may offer the booking time to another client. I will contact you to help you reschedule, or you can choose a more appropriate time through Naturalis Rejuvenation online booking system. {which can be accessed on the BOOK NOW page of this website or via Naturalis Rejuvenation Instagram & Facebook pages.}

Please answer these questions accurately & honestly. At subsequent appointments please inform your practitioner if any new information, new medications, diagnoses or reactions have taken place.

Clients with active, not fully healed cold sores, or other contagious conditions, will be asked to reschedule. Please reschedule if you feel a cold sore coming on. They are highly contagious & can be spread, on you, & onto others, very easily.

Please, if you are unwell reschedule your appointment. I promise to do the same. We promote a healthy environment & do not wish to perpetuate illnesses. Appointment times are reserved especially for you.  Naturalis Rejuvenation requires all two hour bookings appointments be secured with a credit card. 

Clients that arrive for their service(s) late will be accommodated as best as possible: however, your service may be altered due to starting the service late.


We ask of all our clients to make an appointment, there are no exceptions. Please note that Naturalis Facial Rejuvenation is a home-based business. If you would like to book an appointment, feel free to do so here.

Contra-Indications for Treatments:


Any medical conditions or allergies must be disclosed prior to attending your first appointment. Failure to do so will exonerate all responsibility from Naturalis Rejuvenation for any resulting adverse reaction due to this lack of disclosure.

While microcurrent facials are minimally invasive, there are some people who shouldn’t have a microcurrent facial.

All skin types are safe for microcurrent, which is why I call it my “Naturalis [natural] facial” [However], clients with, metal implants, or who have open sores, such as severe acne, [should avoid the microcurrent facial].”

People who are pregnant or nursing may also want to avoid the procedure. “The microcurrent device has never been tested or clinically used on a pregnant or nursing mom, so there is an unknown variant [when it comes to its impact on mom or baby],

Persons who have had certain face fillers, who have had Botox or Neurotoxin from the upper face treatment must have a four week resting period post last injection since muscles are frozen. This will allow for MICROCURRENT therapy to effectively tone and lift facial muscles”