Meridian balancing

Balance your energy - A Natural Approach to Wellness

Reduces stress response

Meridian Balancing is a non-needle acupuncture technique that balances and harmonizes the autonomic nervous system which controls many of the functions of the body.

Meridians are like our body’s highways. If a meridian point is blocked, our bodies will not function optimally. Meridian balancing is a method of balancing and harmonizing the 24 meridians that run through the body.

Reduces hot flashes

These meridians are part of the Traditional Chinese Medicine system of the body. In more western terminology, balancing the meridian system is like a reboot of your Autonomic Nervous System resulting in improved function in all areas of the body.

Common results include: Reduced stress response, improved sleep, better energy, reduced hot flashes, less pain, improved mood, more robust immune system, better concentration - to name a few.

Improves concentration

The great thing is that there are no side effects from treatment. You feel nothing during the treatment, and it takes only about 20-30 minutes for Meridian balancing, treatment of additional points, assessment, and charting.

All treatments at Naturalis Rejuvenation include Meridian Balancing. We also offer this as a stand-alone treatment or can be added to any other treatment. $75


Meridian Balance is a non-needle acupuncture technique that balances and harmonizes the autonomic nervous system which controls many of the functions of the body. A gentle way of stimulating your immune system. No needles or pain involved, completely natural & safe.

✅ improves concentration ✅ feeling less frustrated ✅ feeling less angry ✅ tissues heal faster

✅ supports your eye health ✅ balances hormones ✅ reduces under eye bags ✅ improves energy

✅ balances the gall bladder ✅ balances the liver ✅ balances thyroid gland ✅ balances pineal gland

✅ balances thymus glands ✅ balances the lungs ✅ balances the kidneys

✅ balances the adrenals ✅ balances the body ✅ regular bowel movement


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Meridian balancing is based in acupuncture theory but there are no needles involved at all. Instead we use acupressure points and micro current to measure and balance.

  • There is absolutely no pain, in fact people often return for subsequent treatments to be measured and treated again.

  • Because meridian balancing is all natural and completely safe a person can have as many treatments as they want. It generally takes about 24 hours for your meridians to balance so we don't recommend coming everyday but every other day is fine. Many people treat meridian balancing the same as they would other alternative therapies like chiropractor, massage therapy, or acupuncture, going for treatment when they feel that something is out of balance.

  • Yes. Meridian Balancing is a safe and non-invasive treatment that works with your body's natural energy. It is so safe even children can have it done..

  • Results are different for everyone because we are all unique. Some people notice differences almost immediately, others not for several days. People often report feeling relaxed or warm after their treatment. Meridian balancing helps with anything that is out of balance or harmony, ie hormones, moods, stress, brain fog, sleep problems, and more.

  • We recommend having treatment until your meridians are balanced, treatments can then be done monthly or even seasonally. Meridian balancing can also be utilized such as other natural therapies like chiropractor or acupuncture in that once you feel good, you can return for appointments when you feel they are needed.