What we offer is unique!

There are many services out there that are marketed as Microcurrent facials. What we do is VERY different.

Microcurrent platform as a treatment is less invasive, but many “microcurrent” procedures out there use chemical-based gels and take a more general approach that focuses only on a specific area. This creates less complete results that may not last as long (think: treating undereye bags, but leaving the discoloration and wrinkles on the rest of the face). It is non-invasive, completely safe, totally pain-free, relaxing, and has no known risks or side effects.

There are key differences between facial procedures. Some are surgical procedures which can result in an unnatural look. Microcurrent facial rejuvenation, however, leaves your skin looking natural, with a healthy and youthful glow.

The reason this results in a natural look is because microcurrent treatment fosters a gradual transition. It uses the ancient wisdom of acupuncture in non-needle application, which produces total body changes such as increased energy, stress reduction, a sense of well-being, improved sleep, and more. The facial rejuvenation process also incorporates the use of essential oils and natural skin products, along with personalized guidance to encourage you to adopt a healthier lifestyle.   

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When it comes to anti-aging, the pursuit for the latest ‘it’ treatment is never-ending. Microcurrent facials are one of the latest innovations to spark a conversation.

This beauty treatment uses low frequency current (Microcurrent therapy) to promote cell growth in skin. Microcurrent therapy is a procedure that is non-invasive, injection-free, and painless. Extra bonus? These treatments have immediate benefits with absolutely no recovery time.

Microcurrent machines in facial aesthetic applications are used to ‘work out’ the muscles of the face, stimulate collagen, and tighten skin appearance. Microcurrent uses low-voltage electricity to stimulate muscle, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) cell growth, and collagen development in the dermis on the face.

Microcurrent facials tighten and smooth the muscles and connective tissues in the face by increasing cellular activity, and have been shown to reduce wrinkles.

Microcurrent has been around for decades, especially in physical therapy, so it is very safe, effective, and targeted. Physical therapists have used microcurrent therapy treatments since the 1970’s for pain relief and even facial paralysis conditions, like Bell’s palsy.

Interested in trying microcurrent yourself? Contact Romy today to set up an introductory session with a free consultation


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