Ten Ways to Like Drinking Water

We rarely keep our body adequately hydrated. Imagine if we were always fueling our body and mind with the necessary nutrients and hydration! Most of our physical complaints could be minimized or even eliminated!

If you are like me and just struggle to enjoy drinking plain water, here are ten great ways to flavor your sipping!


  • Cucumber Water: promotes healthy skin, eases nausea, removes dark under eye circles.

  • Fennel Water: relieves menstrual problems, eases digestive problems, helps weight loss, improves healthy skin

  • Ginger Water: relieves menstrual cramps, relieves headache, relieves bloating and indigestion, helps fight viral colds

  • Honey Water: cures acne, reduces bloating, flushes out toxins, relieves sore throat, weight loss help

  • Jalapeño Water: increases metabolism, boosts immune system (tasty mixed with pineapple or mint)

  • Lemon Water: promotes a flat belly, boosts immune system, detoxes liver, healthy digestion, promotes blemish free skin

  • Mint Water: detoxes body, freshens breath, fights acne and improves complexion, promotes digestion

  • Pineapple Water: increases digestion, suppresses inflammation in the body

  • Rice Water: energizing drink, gives glowing skin, healthy hair, shrinks pores

  • Rose Water: promotes shiny hair, lightens scars, tightens pores, soothes eyes, purifies skin, prevents breakouts


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